We started services in our "Ministry Center" for the next 16 or so months and it is amazing in there. It's a much smaller place, but it was electric with excitement. It was hot and loud and bright, but the atmosphere was awesome. You should come visit Wave Church if you're in VA Beach. We have a ton of services to choose from.
Pastor Steve shared from Psalm 100 on Sunday night and i wanted to touch on a few points he made.
the whole Psalm is about coming to church. in verse 4, it says to come with thanksgiving and praise. that is a choice we each have to make every time we come to church. what attitude are we coming with? one other thing - we come with the praise and thanksgiving, we don't rely on the worship team and pastor or the service itself to fill us full of thanks and praise - WE BRING IT!
verse 1 says to make a joyful noise to the Lord. some versions say to shout with joy. Steve asked the question, "What noise are you making?" is it a joyful noise? grumbling or complaing is a noise. whining and woe-is-me are noises. worship and praise and thanks and joy and hope are all noises also. what noise do you make?
Just a couple of thots on what we make of church. WE are the church. we meet at a place with other members, but we are the church and we have the opportunity every time we meet to bring something and build it up by adding to an atmosphere of expectation and joy or tearing it down by complaining, self-focus and back-biting.
Bring It!!
Hey well looky there I'm blogging again. I have had the honor of being
involved with bringing concerts to the old FFC for the past 2 plus years,
even more...
12 years ago