i heard interesting commentary yesterday about ditching any congress-person who voted yes for raising taxes to get us out of this slump; anyone who voted for the TARP; anyone who voted for the Cap and Tax bill; anyone who votes for this Health Care monster...i think i'm liking that philosophy.
These are all things that we were/are told HAVE to be passed yesterday or the consequences will be so harmful to America and the world...yet reports are coming in now that we might not be as bad off if they hadn't passed the "stimulus" pkg...hmmmm.
i'm tired of lifelong politicians who only want power and prestige and don't really care about what their constituents want or what is best for the country. we're starting to see polls that say 54-56% of Americans don't think government should run healthcare. but government seems laser-locked on passing some sort of legislation for it.
can we get back to a hands-off approach for a while? let Americans do what we do. when given freedom to choose, we do pretty well. let us choose what kind of cars we want, what we want to do for schooling our kids, what we want to do with our money, what doctor we want to go to, who we want to govern us. between the media and government, most of those choices are being made for us.
Patrick Henry said “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”
Hey well looky there I'm blogging again. I have had the honor of being
involved with bringing concerts to the old FFC for the past 2 plus years,
even more...
12 years ago