I LOVE CHRISTMAS! I like driving around looking at the cheesy lights and decorations. I love the music. I love the cookies and treats and pies. I love the generosity that seems to spring up. I love the trees and presents…I LOVE IT ALL!
It seems this year i’ve been thinking a bit more about the Sweet Lord Baby Jesus. It’s such an oxymoron that He was born this tender, sweet, innocent child to die such a gruesome death and be counted among thieves and murders (sinners).
It’s so easy for people to love the Baby Jesus and be so offended by the Crucified Christ and the Soon Coming King of Kings and Lord of Lords - you know, the One by whose name is the only way for anyone to enter Heaven.
Any nativity scene worth it’s weight is a brilliant picture of John 3:16 - For God so love the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall be saved. Jesus left the fellowship of His Father and the Holy Spirit, the glory of Heaven to come into a very humble stable to be born of a woman and live as we live. And not only to live as we live, but to die in our place and then to rise again. AMAZING!
What a gift that God gave!
Hey well looky there I'm blogging again. I have had the honor of being
involved with bringing concerts to the old FFC for the past 2 plus years,
even more...
12 years ago