18 July 2006


My new job at CBNnews.com is all about news. It's cool that i'm surrounded by news and current events all day long, but weird that i'm right in the middle of it all day long. It's amazing to see the bias of some agencies and the restraint of others. It's part of my job to monitor top stories from around the web and the news channels.

One of the most amazing displays of restraint is that of the nation of Israel. I'm amazed at how they are so cool under fire and how they are going about taking care of Hezbollah and others who seek their demise. If they wanted to, they could totally wipe out Hezbollah and Hamas but with incredible numbers of civilian casualties. They are doing it the right way by surgically taking out the terrorist infrastructure.

I'm also amazed at what a difference a Christian perspective puts on the news. Things are still bad and circumstances are still rising all around, but when you can look at things with a hope and a sense that nothing is a surprise to God, it makes all the difference. Our God is still in control and has everything under control. Wild fires, tropical storms, terrorism, war, stem cell debate ... all are still under the jurisdiction of the One who created it all and holds us in His hand.

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