I just need to blow off a little steam. You see, i work in news. i'm surrounded by monitors carrying all the news of the day - Fox/CNN/MSNBC/Business/Headlines - and also feeds from the wires and email alerts...I'm in it.
I'm really sickened by the wall-to-wall coverage of the financial meltdown. I'm pretty sure it's a nasty situation that started back in the 70's with some dodgy legislation on guaranteeing mortgages. Greenspan didn't help things with some of his controls and then the whole Fannie/Freddie housing bubble thing has really brought this thing to a head. I'm pretty conservative and don't like a lot of government intervention and really don't appreciate some of the measures the government has implemented to bail failing enterprises out.
But i think the media - old and new - have contributed just as much as anything else. When people only see how bad things are, they are going to panic and pull their money and support from pretty much everything that might hurt them. This defense mechanism, while good for protection, is bad for the economy and then makes it tank even more.
I want to, in some way, convince people to take a step back and breathe. If you have money invested, let it ride. Unless you need that money in the next few years, stocks are for the long term. I would suggest also getting rid of personal debt. As the economy turns, companies will probably want the money owed them and i figure it's always better not to owe.
Panic and emotional responses don't really ever solve anything. Cool heads, patience and a trust that God is in control is the way to move forward. God's people are PROMISED that He will never leave us or forget about us - NEVER!! God doesn't need Wall Street or George Bush to bless and care for His people.
More to come...
Hey well looky there I'm blogging again. I have had the honor of being
involved with bringing concerts to the old FFC for the past 2 plus years,
even more...
12 years ago
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