17 March 2009

Idol Thots 17Mar

Grand Ole Opry Night - yee haw!

i hope this doesn't turn in to sappy ballad night. on one hand it has boring written all over it. please, Adam and Allison, do something upbeat, fun, rowdy...you get my meaning. Maybe Anoop will do some of his "sweet" moves if he goes upbeat. maybe.

i'm thinking Michael is going to be in his element tonight. he keeps saying he's not country, but you know he's going to soar on a nice ballad. i'm also thinking Kris will have a great night with guitar in hand. Adam should be ok as long as he keeps the rock screams out. Lil and Danny should be ok as well.

i think they can all sing country, it will all come down to song choice and performance. i'm hoping some go out on a limb and just have fun - i'm thinking Chekize's Beatles bluegrass from last year - i loved that. Come on Idols, give us fun. give us borderline hokey. just don't put us to sleep.

i don't know enough about the Grand Ole Opry song list to guess songs, but if you have ideas, please share.

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