09 March 2009

Presidential Ping Pong

Has anyone else noted the overuse of the teleprompter by President Obama? He uses the thing for EVERYTHING!. i've worked the prompter before, read off of one and have an understanding about public speaking. i feel like i have a bit of background with this.

can he not pause in the middle of the room? can they not put a big screen in the back of the room for him to read off of? whenever he makes a speech, announces a new cabinet member or makes any kind of remarks, it looks like he's watching ping pong from center table. back and forth and back and forth. you always have a side shot of his face and now news photographers are complaining that the paddles block others who may be standing with him or the president himself from photo opportunities.

i know he has to get the words just right, that every word he says is parsed and vetted, but can he not put a few words to memory as he switches from side-to-side and talk to the people sitting in the middle of the room? The whole purpose of teleprompters is to keep the speaker from looking down and up and down and up, but you still need to refocus you eyes and look at those you are speaking to from time to time for maximum effectiveness.

the past few times the president has spoken, it's been shorter statements - intros to new cabinet nominees, open the healthcare forum, a short statement on stem cell research. these don't seem to warrant teleprompter, it seems like some notecards would do. for a president touted as a great orator, i see him more as a great reader.

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